Kelley: Just LIKE a Good Neighbor...

Rev. Kelley Becker

Bloomington First Christian Church

For most of us, our homes are our greatest financial commitment. Experts say we will spend almost a third of our lifetime earnings on housing. From a financial perspective, where we choose to live is an important decision. It’s an important decision from a spiritual and heart perspective too. Think for a moment about the factors that went into your decision regarding where to live.

How did you choose your neighborhood?

John and I considered three main things when we were looking for a house 7 years ago. We wanted an old house with character, we wanted most of the hard updating work to have already been done, and we wanted the house to be in school District 87 because at the time, Andrew was in high school and that Purple Raider had absolutely no interest in becoming an Ironman, even though I assured him that people in our family look great in orange and black!

As we looked for a house, we were far less concerned about a particular neighborhood than we were about finding a cool house. When we found what is now our home, I knew the second we walked into the house, it had to be ours.

We love our house. And we love our neighborhood. In fact, the houses in our neighborhood are a lot like the houses in this neighborhood. Many of them were built in the early 1900’s, with wide hardwood baseboards, hardwood floors, ornate woodwork, claw foot tubs, and high ceilings. So much to love!

One difference between the neighborhood I live in and the neighborhood I work in is that most of the people who live near me are like me. They leave their houses in the morning, in their late model cars, they go to work and come home in the evening, dry cleaning in one hand and brief cases in the other. They work in offices, spend their free time playing golf, watching their kids play sports, or working in their yards. They went to college and expect their kids will too. Aside from an occasional teenager over the years, I have never seen a person in a food service uniform in our neighborhood. There are no people with black or brown skin living on our street and very few people who are not white live in our entire neighborhood.

In this neighborhood, where I work, I notice adults going to work in many different types of uniforms, at all times of the day, in the morning, in the afternoon, and even when I am here late into the evening. The people I interact with who live near here have black, brown, and white skin, most of them have black skin. Most of them have attended high school, some have finished high school, few have attended college. I’ve never seen anyone with golf clubs and the sight of children in sports uniforms, like PCSL soccer, is not nearly as common as it is in my neighborhood.

According to my smart phone, at 9 am on most weekday mornings, it takes just 6 minutes to get from my home to my office, if I don’t stop at Coffee Hound.

I live about 12 blocks east of Main Street and the church is about 4 blocks west of Main Street In Bloomington, Main Street is one of the reference points we use to talk about relative location. It’s important to note that there is an economic divide in our community for which Main Street is generally understood as the dividing line. In other words, many people do not see the neighborhoods west of Main Street as desirable places to live and work. There are similar dividers in Normal and other cities as well. I am using Bloomington as an example this morning.

This divide is really bad for our communities for many reasons, chiefly, in my opinion, because of the impact it has on the futures of not just the children who live west of Main Street, but the impact it has on the futures of the children east of Main Street.

You see, children who grow up in poor neighborhoods are likely to stay poor their whole lives. And our propensity toward self segregation, whether it’s the Main Street divide, or exclusive subdivisions, compounds this harsh reality. In a study by Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley, that examined the odds of a child moving up the economic ladder within our nation’s cities, it was noted that in places where people in poverty and people who are affluent are the most isolated from one another, the prospects of children who are poor are the worst.

This isn’t surprising though, since public schools are typically funded by the taxpayers who live in that immediate community, leading to well funded schools for children of economically advantaged parents and struggling schools for children whose parents are poor and less able to provide other opportunities. There are many layers to this, and I know there are other factors involved in neighborhood systems. However, the truth is, many people choose their homes based on the schools. So, those of us with the means to choose select what we perceive as the best schools while the people who have no choice are left with the schools that receive the least funding, in poor neighborhoods. And this helps perpetuate the cycle of poverty. It is also an example of systemic racism. And it will never change unless the people who are benefitting from the current system say, “Enough, my children are special, but they are not more special than the children who live west of Main Street”

And what about the east of Main St. children? I’m using these groupings “west of Main St. children” and “east of Main Street children” metaphorically. We could apply groupings like this to almost any urban setting in our country. How does this self segregation impact the east of Main Street children? This segregation deprives children from more affluent families of the opportunity to be aware of the circumstances of other human beings, human beings that live a mere 6 minutes away from them. It keeps other human beings at arm’s length, perceiving them, and their situations, as something to be feared and avoided, and deprives both groups of the opportunity for true community with one another. Years ago, when I was serving another church as the youth minister, I and the children’s ministry committee decided that instead of having VBS at our church, we would have it at the Boys and Girls Club so that we could share our program with the children there. We thought it was a great idea. And it was. There was one thing that surprised us though. While VBS attendance was very good, the family participation from our church at that VBS was the lowest it ever was. When I asked families who chose not to participate why they were not participating, I got answers like, “We are afraid to be over there at night,” “My kids don’t know anyone over there,” and “I’m afraid of what my kids will learn from those kids.” I have to tell you, when I heard those responses, my heart broke, mostly for the kids in my own church who were being kept so isolated from the real world and from people who had so much to teach them.

What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself? I think we have to first answer the question, “Who is our neighbor?” The reality, as I shared earlier, is that for most of us, our physical neighbors are people who are like us. But because the Bible is rich with examples of the goodness and intentionality with which God injected diversity into our world, we have to reject the idea that God intended for us to only think of people like ourselves as our neighbors. I find myself recalling about the phrase, “expanding the neighborhood,” that Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins coined in her book Whole: A Call to Unity in Our Fragmented World. We have to expand who we think of as our neighbors. Our neighbors are the people who live east of Main St. and west of Main St., people who live on the other side of our northern border and the other side of our southern border, people who live in Albuquerque and Aleppo, and everywhere in between.

In my mind, then, the other question Jesus’ command to “love your neighbor as yourself” brings up is, “How do we love our neighbors?” I had some help answering this question. A few weeks ago, I had lunch with Dorothy Sallee and we talked about this very passage. She mentioned that she had been thinking about what it means to love our neighbors as ourselves. She began with the question, “How do we love ourselves?” She listed the things we do to care for ourselves like making sure we eat the right things, making sure we get plenty of sleep, keeping ourselves safe from the elements and from other dangers. That’s how we love ourselves…by making sure we have what we need to stay physically healthy. But also, we love ourselves by not being hypercritical of who we are, by valuing the gifts and talents God has given us, and by insisting that others treat us as the children of God that we are. These are the things we are taught to do for ourselves. These are the things we must be willing to do for others. In this case, love is not an emotion. It is not something we always feel. It is something we do. In my own life, I often find that the feeling of love comes much after the action of love. I invite you to spend some time thinking about that in your life.

So, if we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, and we have expanded our neighborhood to include all human beings, then we cannot hide on the other side of Main St., pretending to be unaware of the lives of our neighbors. Christian activist and author Shane Claiborne, in his book, The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical, wrote this, “The great tragedy in the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor…

"I long for the Calcutta slums to meet the Chicago suburbs, for lepers to meet landowners for each to see God’s image in the other…

"I truly believe when the poor meet the rich, riches will have no meaning. And when the rich meet the poor, we will see poverty come to an end.”

I think he is right. The world can be different, but we have to be different. We have to expand our limited network of people who look, act, and believe just like we do. When we do, we will see the rich diversity that God has planned for our lives. We must find ways to meet our neighbors, all of our neighbors, and love them on purpose, love them, with action, not warm fuzzy emotion...that emotion comes much later. And we can start in the neighborhoods we live in right now.

We can be real neighbors to the people who live near us and little by little, we can expand the neighborhood. If you don’t know your neighbors, introduce yourself. If you already know your neighbors, think about building on those relationships. Maybe it’s time for pizza on the patio or s’mores after dark one night. And while you are getting to know the neighbors that live close to you, consider getting to know neighbors who live farther away. Take your kids to a park on the other side of town. Watch how quickly they make new friends. Go to a different grocery store. You never know who you might meet and how they might change your life. Consider opportunities to engage the people who live in the neighborhood around the church.

Think about the amount of time you spend interacting with people who are like you compared to the amount of time you spend with people who are different from you. Enrich your life with new people, new experiences, new ways of being, and new ways of loving your neighbor as yourself.

In that spirit, today (October 2), in churches all over the world, Christians are gathering around the communion table, in celebration of World Communion Sunday. The communion tables don’t all look alike, the bread blessed and broken is not all the same, some churches use wine, others use grape juice. But at every table, as each person is welcomed, Jesus is made real in the breaking of the bread and drinking of the cup; and God’s love for everyone is proclaimed over and over again.

Today we are reminded that we are better together. We are made for community. And as good neighbors and good stewards we must be prepared to invest not only our money, but our time, in truly loving our neighbors, especially the ones who live on the other side of the economic divide. There is no such thing as drive by love. Real love requires commitment and time…time on front porches, around dinner tables, shoveling walks, raking leaves, and bringing in the mail. Real love for our neighbors requires us to get close enough to see and understand our neighbors’ everyday joy and intense suffering.

My prayer for all of us is that the keys to our houses will always unlock homes that are filled with love and hope for the future. And that as we walk into that future, we commit ourselves to kindling that same hope in the lives of our neighbors…next door, down the street, across town and all over the world.

Matt: Community Meal Nurtures Bodies, Inclusivity

It may not be the Twin Cities’ most exclusive cafe, but Lutheran Pastor Matt Geerdes has made sure the Community Meal is absolutely inclusive.

Courtesy Agape ISU

Courtesy Agape ISU

The weekly gathering, hosted at 6:30 p.m. each Monday at the ISU Campus Religious Center, 210 W. Mulberry St., has become an open, communal table for students, faculty, Twin Citians of any faith or no faith, people without homes, the LGBTQ community, those who can afford a good meal, those who can't -- in short, anyone.

Geerdes, whose ministry is divided between ISU and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in rural Roberts, conceived the campus-based meal years ago, after visiting a similar dinner sponsored by a San Diego State University ministry and deciding it “just made sense.” Beyond the opportunity for Twin Citians to “build up community with one another and just be people,” the pastor notes “food security” concerns among students who often may eat on the run or, in the midst of academic stress and limited cooking skills, may neglect their nutritional needs.

The Religious Center already provides an interfaith space for ISU’s diverse student body and faculty: In addition to Geerdes’ Lutheran Student Movement, the College Avenue facility is home to the United Campus Christian Foundation, New Covenant Community, Judson Baptist Fellowship, and ISU Hillel Jewish Student Union. Geerdes reports his own Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (which helps fund the Community Meal with added support from Agape) has forged “probably the most formal ecumenical relationship” across a variety of faith communities, and, in fact, is partnering with American Baptist campus ministry colleague Phil Grizzard both in the Monday meal and a second Thursday worship meal. In his own ministry, Geerdes has emphasized building “interfaith relationships and bridges with people.”

The Community Meal has added a new dimension of multicultural security, community, and fellowship –one Islamic guest regularly helps prep the meal, and Geerdes notes several LGBTQ students routinely dine with the group in an open environment.

“It just really excites me when people come together here,” he related. “We host this meal without any programming, and if the people there want to pray, they can have their own prayers rather than having one group prayer. We want it to be a place where people can really feel comfortable and there’s not any kind of ‘bait-and-switch.’ It’s just a meal to build community among people. And I like cooking, and cooking for people, and I’m passionate about bringing people together. This is something that’s been very uplifting for me.”

At the same time, Geerdes witnesses awareness growing, curiosity piqued, and attitudes shifting “in small organic ways” among diverse diners who otherwise might never have come together. In the midst of dorms and student apartments and rentals, the meal draws a largely campus crowd, but guests frequently include outside residents and families from “within a walkable radius.”

Feeding such a culturally diverse crowd poses a few menu challenges: Geerdes and cooking supervisor/student Ashton Mathews (student Katie Peterson is cleaning supervisor) offer separately prepared alternatives along with any pork-based dishes, as well as options for vegetarian guests. A new  community plot behind the Religious Center provides fresh produce for the meal – Geerdes yesterday was preparing to harvest new tomatoes to top the evening’s burgers. Tomato soup accompanied grilled cheese sandwiches the previous week.

Courtesy Agape ISU

Courtesy Agape ISU

Last year’s weekly crowd averaged 40-45 diners (including some 70-75 individuals overall); so far this semester, the group generally has numbered in the 20s. Normally, numbers build as the semester continues, Geerdes said.

“We usually try to have more food than we need for the people we expect,” he explained.

Laurie: No Tolerance for Zero Tolerance

By Laurie Bergner

WJBC Forum

It’s a rare event when laws are passed to soften instead of increase punishments, but I am happy to report a new law that requires schools to limit long-term suspensions and expulsions, as well as eliminating the use of zero-tolerance policies used to severely punish students for certain offenses. Chicago Democrat Senator Kimberly Lightford, who sponsored the legislation, said “So it becomes a school system that says, ‘what can we do to keep this student in an academic setting?’” The law requires schools to look to other options, such as counseling or involving them in after-school programs, before suspensions longer than 3 days. In addition, for longer suspensions, schools will be required to give students support services while they’re away and allow them to make up work they missed.

Zero tolerance policies grew out of the Gun-Free School Act of 1994 that followed the horrendous Columbine shootings. This act required states receiving federal funds to mandate that local school districts expel students who bring a weapon to school for a minimum of one year. States rushed to pass laws to meet the requirements, which soon were followed by schools all over the country. Zero tolerance rules mandate predetermined punishments for weapons, drugs and alcohol without regard for when the behavior or possession was done in ignorance, by accident, or under extenuating circumstances. It does not take into account of the seriousness of the behavior or the student’s history. These policies have been implemented too broadly and too often for minor incidents, such as giving an advil to a friend, or having a small pocket knives.

Contrary to popular belief, research has found that zero tolerance policies are not effective and often have unintended negative consequences. A disproportionate number of the students who are suspended are black or Hispanic, as well as students with disabilities. African American students are 4 times as likely to be suspended than white students for the same violation; students with ADHD are 3 ½ to 7 times more likely to be expelled. And following suspensions, students experience depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and academic failure. And school dropouts increase.

One of the school rules that I find most unfair is the one that suspends both students involved in a fight, regardless of who started it. Ask police how they deal with a bar fight: do they jail everyone? Of course not. They make every attempt to find out who started it and charge that individual, rather than the one who was defending himself or herself. So who should a school fight be any different? How is it justice to consider the defender to be as culpable as the offender? Yet that is exactly what schools have done in their zero tolerance rules.

So I welcome this new law. I am aware it is yet another unfunded mandate for schools, but nonetheless, it is an essential change from a punitive to a prevention and correction model, one that will have crucial positive effects.

Laurie Bergner is a clinical psychologist in private practice, working with individual adults, families and couples. She also works with the nonpartisan League of Women Voters, helping organize candidates forums, educational programs, and many issues in the field of law and justice. She has received many recognitions in both fields, including YWCA’s Women of Distinction in the Professions, Leaguer of the Year, LWV Special Project Awards, and the LWV of Illinois’s prestigious Carrie Chapman Catt award. Laurie has a wonderful husband and two grown children – also wonderful. She loves biking in the countryside, reading, and traveling.

Voter Suppression, Courts' Role Addressed in Speaker Series

Voter suppression, the culture wars, the media, and the courts all have gained attention in the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections. A series of talks titled “Super Tuesdays” will explore their connections, beginning October 11.

The four-part series of presentations and discussions will be held on successive Tuesday evenings leading up to the 2016 presidential election. All talks begin at 6 p.m., and are free and open to the public. The evenings will feature brief presentations by two faculty speakers and a moderated discussion between those speakers and community participants.

“The series is designed to engage the Bloomington-Normal and campus community in a discussion of the most important and complex issues facing American voters with the guidance and assistance of Illinois State faculty who have expertise in the complexities of those subjects,” said organizer and Professor of Art Lea Cline.

The talks include:

October 11 — “The History of Voter Suppression in America” with Assistant Professor of Art Vanessa Schulman and Professor of History Amy Wood at the Center for Visual Arts, room 110, 401 S. School St., Normal. Schulman is a specialist in the visual culture of eighteenth and nineteenth century America. She is the author of Work Sights: The Visual Culture of Industry in Nineteenth-Century America, which explores how visual representations of labor, technology, and industry were crucial in shaping the way nineteenth-century Americans understood their nation and its place in the world. Wood focuses her research on American cultural history in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the history of the U.S. South. She is the author of Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in America, 1890-1940, which examines visual representations of lynching and the construction of white supremacy in the Jim Crow era.

October 18—“The Role of the Courts” with Associate Professor of Politics and Government Meghan Leonard and Professor of Criminal Justice Michael Gizzi at the Center for Visual Arts, room 110. Leonard researches the decision-making behavior of elected and appointed state supreme court justices, with special focus on how these justices build coalitions during the opinion writing process, and how state legislatures affect the decisions state supreme courts make. Her work has appeared in State Politics and Policy QuarterlyAmerican Politics Research, and the Justice System Journal. Gizzi is a specialist on constitutional law who focuses his research on the Fourth Amendment, Supreme Court decision-making, and criminal courts. He is the author of The Fourth Amendment in Flux: The Roberts Court, Crime Control, and Digital Privacy and The Web of Democracy: An Introduction to American Politics.

October 25—“Media and the Modern Candidate” with Assistant Professor of Politics and Government Kerri Milita and Assistant Professor of Communication Rebecca Hayes at the Center for Visual Arts, room 110. Milita studies American elections and public policy. Her research focuses on candidate rhetoric and the factors that explain candidates’ position-taking strategies on key issues of the day. Hayes’ research involves uses, effects, and processes of social media in political, brand, and relational contexts. Before academia, she worked in political and governmental public affairs, developing and maintaining traditional and social media relations in state and federal government.

November 1—“Modern Political Movements” with Professor of History Andrew Hartman and Professor of Politics and Government Lane Crothers at University Galleries, 11 Uptown Circle #103, Normal.

The evening will include the premiere performance of School of Music faculty Roy Magnuson’s composition, “it wasn’t supposed to be like this,” by Justin Vickers (tenor) and Geoffrey Duce (piano). A reception will follow.

Hartman is an American historian who focuses on intellectual history and political culture. He is the author of two books, Education and the Cold War: The Battle for the American School, and A War for the Soul of America: A History of the Culture Wars, and currently at work on a book about “Marx and America.” Hartman was the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark for the 2013-14 academic year and is an OAH Distinguished Lecturer for the 2015-18 period.

Crothers is the author of six books, including Globalization and American Popular Culture, now in its third edition, and Rage on the Right: The American Militia Movement from Ruby Ridge to Homeland Security. From August 2015 to May 2016, he served as the Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies in the Department of World Cultures at the University of Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland. His work focuses on the ways the values, ideals, and social practices of American political culture shape U.S. policies both in the United States and overseas.

Geoffrey Duce is a pianist who has performed in Carnegie Hall, Berlin’s Philharmonie, and London’s Wigmore Hall, and with orchestras that include the Sinfonie Orchester Berlin, the Chattanooga and Olympia Symphony Orchestras, and the Scottish Sinfonia. He has given masterclasses in Hawaii, Canada, the U.K., and the Middle East, and has recorded for BBC Radio 3. This summer he was a guest professor for six weeks at the University of Taipei, Taiwan, and in May of 2017 he will appear with Justin Vickers at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Magnuson has composed music for orchestra, wind ensemble, concert band, chamber ensembles, vocalists, electroacoustic ensembles, and films. His works have been performed throughout the United States and Europe at universities and venues such as the World Saxophone Congress, WASBE, NASA, CBDNA, SCI, and the Red Note New Music Festival.

Vickers is an American lyric tenor who specializes in twentieth-century British music and contemporary song and opera by American composers. His first book, Benjamin Britten Studies: Essays on An Inexplicit Art, is due May 2017 by The Boydell Press. Vickers performs regularly throughout the United States, England, Europe, and Asia, having sung at Carnegie Hall, The Kennedy Center, and Lincoln Center. He appears in recital at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., in May 2017.

For additional information on “Super Tuesdays,” contact Cline at (309) 438-5621.

The talk is part of theIllinois State University Speaker Series. The series seeks to bring innovative and enlightening speakers to the campus with the aim of providing the community with a platform to foster dialogue, cultivate enriching ideas, andcontinue an appreciation of learning as an active and lifelong process.  All talks are free and open to the public.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Neville House Offers Tailored Support For Abuse Victims

Bloomington's Neville House serves “all victims of domestic violence – men, women, children,” including not only shelter at an undisclosed location but also free confidential counseling, support groups, and assistance in individuals obtaining orders of protection where needed, according to Sabrina Cavanaugh, the organization’s youth service advocate.

“A lot of people aren’t aware of all of our services, or how to get hold of us, though we have a 24/7 hotline number we try to get out there,” Cavanaugh says. “And then there are a lot of obstacles to people just wanting to seek help, or people not being ready to get out of a situation or being scared to get out of a situation – not knowing what’s going to happen to them if they try to leave.”

Once a prospective client calls the hotline (309-827-7070), they are given the address to the shelter under a promise of confidentiality. Because clients are at varying emotional stages or may be unready to leave an abusive situation, Neville House counselors help shelter arrivals assess their goals, whatever they may be, but Cavanaugh stresses “we don’t push them toward anything.” Neville House can help locate new living accommodations and/or employment for clients who already have left their abusers, along with continued counseling to “keep them emotionally on track.”

If clients decide to return home, counselors help develop a safety plan and/or telephone code words for future crises or even assist in devising an emergency “exit strategy.” Keys to preventing or defusing potentially violent encounters include learning the verbal or behavioral cues that indicate an argument or discussion is about to escalate and gauging the safest point to escape an abusive environment or to call for help.  

Cavanaugh sees no real up-or-down trend in abuse-related services over the last few years, but rather a broadly fluctuating “roller coaster” of client traffic on a day-to-day basis. Incidence of “financial abuse” – the control a spouse or partner may exert by withholding access to household funds or limiting spousal/partner earning/saving potential – is on the rise, she reports. Because it often is a more subtle form of control that limits resources for escape, financial abuse is a particularly problematic issue.

“We see a lot of men controlling women by not letting them work, giving them an allowance, not letting them spend money, or controlling how they spend money,” Cavanaugh says. “Financial abuse goes along with emotional abuse. Sometimes, it starts with just financial or just emotional abuse, and then, over time, it does turn physical, and things get worse.”

Cavanaugh, a former child care center director, specializes in counseling the children caught up in an abusive home situation. Those family members range from infancy to 18 years, with varying levels of comprehension and emotional responses. With younger children in the shelter environment, she focuses on normalizing their activities, “showing them love, just showing them that not everything is abuse, that they can be loved.” She helps teen girls understand the signs of a potentially abusive relationship, “so that they don’t repeat the cycle.”

Sometimes, the conversation must tackle issues such as sex and/or drug use – “whatever they’ve been exposed to at home.”

“Their mom may be so focused on surviving right now that the child may need someone else to open up to, to talk to,” Cavanaugh notes.

While some 90 percent of Neville House’ clients are victims of male abuse, it also serves male victims, and is seeing an increase in LGBT clients.

Hagopian: Education System Perpetuates Racism


A high school history teacher in Seattle who led a successful revolt against standardized testing under Common Core initiatives says the education system perpetuates racism.

Jesse Hagopian says studies show standardized tests themselves fail miserably.

"The impact of attaching graduation requirements to exit exams in high school has been an increase in incarceration rates. We see high stakes testing is actually an integral part of the school-to-prison pipeline," Hagopian said during Sound Ideas.

Hagopian said the average student takes about 112 standardized tests between pre-K and high school.

"When you inundate the classroom with that many high stakes standardized tests, you reduce the intellectual and emotional process of teaching and learning to a single score," he added.

Hagopian said the public education system in the U. S. perpetuates racism, in part by starting with a curriculum that perpetuates myths regarding slavery.

Hagopian's talk titled "Black Education Matters" includes a Q&A on Saturday and is part of the ISU Fall Speaker Series.

MCCA Plans Domestic Violence Awareness Month Events

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Bloomington's Mid Central Community Action Inc. (MCCA) plans a variety of activities and events around the them “Stand Up With Me!,” which speaks to the call those who experience domestic violence issue to those around them. 

Throughout October, MCCA will be working to connect with individuals in our community and increasing their awareness of this issue.

Coming up:

Sept. 28 - Oct. 25: Allstate Foundation Purple Purse Challenge. This fundraiser begins before the “official” launch of the campaign.

Oct. 3 - 6-7:30 p.m. - Private candlelight vigil for survivors and their families.

Oct. 87:30 a.m.-noon - Domestic Violence Awareness event at Downtown Bloomington Farmers Market, promoting awareness events and the Purple Purse Challenge.

Oct. 21 – 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. - “Stuff The Shelter,” at the rear parking lot of MCCA, 1301 West Washington Street. This event is focused on collecting in-kind donations of items needed for Neville House. A forthcoming flyer will outline items needed.

Oct. 23 – “Stand Up in Victory” - Asking faith communities to take a moment to recognize the issue of domestic violence during their Sunday morning service to raise awareness.

Oct. 26 – An Evening of Experience, Reflection and Action - An open event where members of the inter-faith community are invited to participate in the “In Her Shoes” Domestic violence simulation. After the simulation, there will be a time of reflection and a call to action with the signing of the Stand Up With Me Pledge. Location and time will be announced later.

Vince: A Summer and a Labor of Love

Local artist Vince Bobrosky spearheaded this summer's creation of a Not In Our Town/McLean County Diversity Project mural at East/Albert and Olive Streets. The mural will be dedicated October 10.

mural flyer final1026.jpg

Thanks to the McLean County Diversity Project I had a very rewarding experience this summer. What began as an idea to recreate some artwork that already existed within Not In Our Town (NIOT), ended up being something quite different thanks to the foresight of Tricia Stiller Executive Director of the Downtown Bloomington Association.

Tricia contacted me and asked if I would be interested in doing a collaborative mural project with scholars from the McLean County Diversity Project. Since I really enjoy working with kids, I immediately accepted the challenge. I have to admit however, I didn’t know much about this group, but that would all change in due time.

Workshops were scheduled with the scholars to create the concept for this collaborative mural. I must say, I was a bit nervous, but it was excited nervousness. I met each of the kids at the door of our workshop room greeting them with a smile and a handshake as we introduced ourselves to each other. Little did I know that this would become the start of something that would create an experience  that will last for the rest of my life.

We started with a few presentations. Camille Taylor from NIOT shared the story of Billings, Montana, where a rock was thrown through a bedroom window of a 6 year-old boy who had placed a picture of a menorah during Hanukkah. The story goes on to tell how the town of Billings united together by placing pictures of menorahs that were printed especially for this purpose, in windows all across town. This is where NIOT started, and has now spread across the country. Bloomington/Normal actually celebrated 20 years of involvement with NIOT this year.

I also shared a few videos, one of which showed astronaut Scott Kelly as he circled the earth on the International Space Station. He talked about being able to see the world with no borders as you would normally see on a map. He describes that the earth appears as one global community, one which radiates peace and hope. He goes on to say that he wishes for the day when mankind can live in peace and happiness. These presentations were very emotional. They set the tone on what would become some challenging and fun workshops to follow.

As we continued the workshops, I got to know the kids more each time. I was so impressed with the thoughts they had, and the images they drew. All in all the kids generated almost 150 words or quotes and countless images that reflected their thoughts what NIOT and diversity means to them. We brainstormed ideas on how to create a mural to represent all of this. Eventually we landed on an idea that would give each scholar their own space and colors to paint on the wall and create the message that they had to share. Bright colors and bold messages became a foundation. We titled the mural: "Let Our Light Shine."

What truly impressed me, was within this diverse group of young people, a common theme became apparent. The thought that we should all accept one another for who we are and simply get along and work together to make the world a better place became a common message. These scholars each had bold messages to say and this mural was going to give them an opportunity to show just what their message is.

As artwork began to emerge on the mural, it soon became apparent that each of the scholars’ individual space was as unique as each one of them. Their personalities shined along with each of their unique messages. It was fun and very rewarding to get to know each of the scholars as their painting progressed, not to mention their fearless leader Jeff. I told the kids they would hear all kinds of positive comments and compliments from many people passing by the mural while they worked. This happened numerous times.  As more and more artwork was painted, I could see the excitement and proud feelings that built within them. Each scholar took ownership of their area and did an absolutely wonderful job. They stuck it out to the end.

Having never been involved in such a project, I am sure that they learned some new skills and perhaps a little about themselves and the others that worked beside them. I know that I did, and for that I will be forever grateful for the experience that I had and new friends that I made.

The sincere thoughts and emotional expressions that are now a painted mural, will be a lasting message for countless people to see and experience. It has already touched many in a positive way. There was a gentleman that came up to me one day while I was painting. He asked “what is all this about?” I gave him a brief explanation. He replied with quite a negative comment. As I continued to walk him along the wall and show him some of the messages that were written, he couldn’t help but be touched by what he saw. When he left that day, he had a change of heart. This gentleman has returned many times to see the progress and compliment everyone for providing such a positive message. The light has truly shined on this individual.

No one can deny the positive message that this mural has. One person at a time, the light will become brighter and brighter.

- Vince Bobrosky, Artist and Community Leader

Camille: Crutcher/Rahami Contrasts Raise Serious Questions

Camille Taylor

WJBC Forum

Benjamin Crump, lawyer for the family of Terence Crutcher, a black man killed by police in Tulsa, Oklahoma, had the same question I had. He asked, “Why was an unarmed black man who had committed no crime and needed a helping hand killed, but the N.Y. bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami wasn’t after engaging officers in a shootout and injuring an officer?”

I think that’s a great question! Think about the two situations. Mr. Crutcher’s car appeared to be stranded on the highway and video shows him holding his hands up as he’s approached by police, tazed by one officer, and shot dead by another. Even a man in a police helicopter labelled Mr. Crutcher a “bad dude” from up in the sky.

On the other hand, N.Y. police had a photo of Mr. Rahami, and after getting a tip found him sleeping in a doorway. Rahami pulled out a handgun, shot an officer, and took off running. He was shot multiple times during the chase, and is now recuperating in the hospital.

man is accused of planting multiple bombs and injuring 29 people. Mr. Crutcher is a black man, accused of nothing, but ends up being shot and killed. The answer to this question is at the root of the anger, frustration, and fear felt by many in our country, but particularly by African Americans.

have several black men in my life: my spouse, son, grandson, nephew, and great nephews. I love them all very much. It pains me that even though they’ve all had the “talk” about how a black man in America must be extra careful, friendly, cooperative with authority figures, patient, calm, and compliant, that it won’t do them any good if someone looks at them and just sees a “bad black dude!”

So, as we lament and wring our hands once again there is something we can do. The YWCA is hosting a Humanity Summit on November 17th in Memorial Hall at Illinois Wesleyan. Register by October 7 for a discount or by October 31 for the regular cost. The goal of the summit is to offer an opportunity “for our community to grapple with important questions of cultural and systemic oppression in the form of many “isms” and challenge each of us to grow to become allies in the struggle for justice.”

Some takeaways from the summit will be to better understand oppression and privilege and their human costs, as well as make a commitment to take meaningful action.

NIOTBN Mural Dedication October 10


Over the summer, an unsightly expanse of concrete on Bloomington’s downtown fringe has blossomed into a colorful, multicultural, personal and yet very public expression of an inclusive community, thanks to downtown planners, a youth-based education effort, a local artist, and Not In Our Town: Bloomington-Normal.

The newly completed Diversity Mural on Olive and Albert/East Street facades, will be dedicated at 5:45 p.m. October 10 at the Bloomington Police Department Osborne Room. Mayor Tari Renner and the Bloomington City Council then will recognize the work of seven young McLean County artists and their supervisor/mentor, Vince Brobosky. Bloomington First Christian Church Associate Minister Kelley Becker and Moses Montefiore Temple Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe of NIOTBN's Faith and Outreach Subcommittee plan to "bless" the mural at 5:15 p.m.

Downtown Bloomington Association (DBA) Executive Director Tricia Stiller has been instrumental in shepherding murals aimed at beautifying the downtown district. She reacted enthusiastically when NIOTBN approached her last fall with the idea of a new al fresco work designed to broadcast its message of diversity and understanding.

Armed with DBA Design Committee approval, Stiller contacted her friend Brobosky, a Twin Cities artist responsible for previous works on downtown facades. At the same time, she organized a series of educational workshops at the Bloomington Center for the Creative Arts Creativity Center in cooperation with the McLean County Diversity Project and its director, Jeffrey Schwartz.

“I have always enjoyed collaboration and involving young people,” Stiller related. “I had had five prior seasons with the Diversity students, and I knew this would be wonderful for them, because, truly, what Not In Our Town represents is them.

“They are from very diverse backgrounds, and through their exercises, they figure out how to get along together and celebrate one another. We should take a lesson from them, and model our behavior from them.”

During four two-hour workshops beginning in June, young artists with NIOTBN assistance honed in on their interpretation of the phrase “not in our town” and discussed their own experiences with bullying or discrimination. “Tragically, many of these young people, who are in seventh grade through high school, had heartbreaking stories to tell,” Stiller said. A student crew emerged from those discussions: Oskar Urquizo, his sister Olivia Urquizo, Abhiru Raut, and Ved Lombar, all of Bloomington; Colfax brothers Richie and Max Beck; and Molly Klessig of Downs.

Beyond its fundamental message, the mural offered the opportunity to address what Stiller deemed “one of our top candidates for beautification” – an “ugly” retaining wall for a funeral home parking lot that faces the Bloomington Public Library. The wall’s Olive Street facade provided ample space for Brobosky and his seven young artists to express a variety of personal messages about tolerance, respect, understanding, cooperation, and compassion, as well as a landscape of Twin Cities landmarks, while the East/Albert Street side of the wall was dedicated to the message “Let Our Light Shine,” accompanied by that phrase in a variety of languages and Braille (a series of braille plaques also will communicate that message) .

A few months after project launch, the perennial eyesore according to Stiller is now a “magnificent” addition to the library/Bloomington City Hall corner, at the threshold of a key Bloomington residential neighborhood. She is hopeful about “the connections that can be made from that, behaviorally, socially."  

“The message of the mural is to be shared,” Brobosky said. “The work that is going into the celebration and everyone that will see and read about it will be touched and inspired.”

West Side Out of the High-Tech Loop?


New super-high-speed internet, phone, and cable service planned for Bloomington will not extend to the residents of the city's west side -- at least not in the near future.

MetroNet, an Indiana-based service provider, had promised in April to install a fiber optic network throughout the city. 

A map the company released showing its service areas excludes the racially diverse and economically struggling west side.

The company's plans seemed to catch city officials off guard.

"This is absolutely not what the city bought into when I signed the documents [approving the project]. This not at all what I had in mind, it is not what was presented to us, and if it were, I would have vetoed it," Renner said.

Renner said the company needs to follow through on its original commitment.

"We are going to increase public pressure on them to liveup to what we thought was going to be provision of services to the entire city of Bloomington, not just a part of it," he said.

He said MetroNet received approval for the project as a public utility.

A spokeswoman for MetroNet said the company hasn't ruled out expanding service to the west side, but could not say when that might occur.

The communications gap: Socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods and schools further disadvantaged?

The communications gap: Socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods and schools further disadvantaged?

A map the company released shows where construction has been completed, is on-going or planned for the future. That map shows no future construction planned for Bloomington's west side.

Alderman Scott Black, who represents the west side on the Bloomington City Council, said he was "shocked" when he saw the map.

Black noted that not having the same Internet speed as the rest of the city will place the public schools and businesses on the west side at a particular disadvantage. Bloomington Alderman Karen Schmidt points out public schools on the west side receive high-speed internet from Central Illinois Regional Broadband Network (CIRBN). But she said children who attend those schools will not have private physical access to high-speed connections available elsewhere in the community.

Black said he expects MetroNet to eventually follow through on its original commitment to cover the west side, "but it's the speed at which it's built" that remains an open question.

"If we are providing those services to some areas of our community and not others, we are disproportionatelydisadvantaging those areas versus other areas," Black said.

Black noted that installing an underground fiber optic network is more complex on the west side because of easements, zoning issues and the way streets are laid out.

He said that should not, however, be an excuse for not providing the same service there.

"It's a matter of really ... keeping the pressure on MetroNet to not forget the west side, to not put excuses on table, and make sure construction is put on the calendar and followed through," Black added.

Renner said the news is a further disappointment for a part of the city that often struggles to achieve parity with other more affluent areas.

He cited the public library's traveling Bookmobile that last yearpulled out of several centraland west side neighborhoods. It has since reinstated some stops in those areas.

"We are a community of many different neighborhoods and it shouldn't matter where you live when it comes to providing service," Renner said. "I'm committed to insuring equal access here."

Alderman Kevin Lower, who also represents parts of the west side on the City Council, described MetroNet's action as a business decision.

"They will likely follow the market as the market will demand services," Lower wrote on Facebook.

"This is the way an open market operates. If enough customers are willing to pay the fare, I am sure the service will follow," he added.

November 17 Humanity Summit Addresses Systemic Bias

The November 17 2016 YWCA Humanity Summit will serve as a space for the community to grapple with important questions of cultural and systemic oppression (racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia), and how Twin Citians can grow to become allies in the struggle for justice.


Register before Friday, October 7, and get $10 off registration!

 Student: $8 (pricing stays the same)

 Standard: $30 (earlybird: $20)

 CEU: $60 (earlybird: $10)

 A pay-what-you-can option is available for those who are unable to pay full price for registration.

Oppression is taking lives and destroying communities. Every day, accounts of violence against people of color and a resurgence in hate crimes are in the headlines. Below the surface, institutionalized marginalization and cultural repression of “the other” are quietly killing our communities.

 Oppression costs us all. And even though we didn’t create these problems, we do have a responsibility to ourselves, as well as to each other and future generations to address them.

What to expect at the Humanity Summit:

• A community of experts: The Humanity Summit will be a truly community driven conversation. Rather than slate a roster of presenters to lecture an audience, we are calling on you to bring stories of your experiences, your ideas, and a spirit of collaboration as we move this conversation together.

• An evolving and shared understanding: We don’t have all the answers. Collectively, we will develop our understanding of oppression and privilege, determine the costs of oppression, create shared principles of allyship, and commit ourselves to taking meaningful action.

• A space for you: Throughout the summit, there will be breakout groups specific to the various communities we are a part of. Each breakout will be facilitated by a member of the corresponding community. Breakouts include women/femme (Gender), people of color (race), people with disabilities, trans/gender-queer (gender) and LGBQ (sexual orientation). In addition, there will be a breakout for folks who don’t identify with any of these groups.

ISU Heritage Month Focuses on Activism, Neoliberalism


Latino/a Heritage Month will be celebrated at Illinois State University with talks on Latino immigration.

Chicago’s immigrant youth movement
Professor Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz of Loyola University Chicago and Jorge Mena Robles of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will present “Activism After DACA: Lessons from Chicago’s Immigrant Youth Movement” at 4 p.m., Tuesday, September 27, in Moulton Hall, room 210.

This talk draws from extended ethnographic research with, and participation in, Chicago’s immigrant rights movement to explore how Chicago youth have responded to the implementation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the extended surveillance that DACA confers.

Mena is an undocumented (DACAmented) and queer graduate of the master’s program in Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He emigrated from Jalisco, Mexico, when he was 8 years old and has been involved in the undocumented immigrant youth movement since the 2009 formation of the Immigrant Youth Justice League. He is now living in Urbana where he serves as Assistant Director of La Casa Cultural Latina at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.

Gomberg-Muñoz is an assistant professor of anthropology at Loyola University Chicago. Her research explores how undocumented people and their family members navigate the political and socioeconomic landscape of the United States. Gomberg-Muñoz is the author of two books, Labor and Legality: An Ethnography of a Mexican Immigrant Network (Oxford, 2011) and Becoming Legal: Immigration Law and Mixed Status Families (Oxford, 2016), as well as numerous articles and book chapters.

Neoliberalism and Latinos
Professor Andrea Silva of the University of North Texas will present “Neoliberalism confronts Latinos: Paradigmatic shifts in immigration practices” at noon, Friday, September 30, in Williams Hall, room 314.

Silva’s talk examines how three neoliberal principles—privatization, efficiency, and personal responsibility—have impacted the implementation of American immigration policy, increasing the detention, abuse, and death of undocumented migrants. This change disproportionately affects Latinos, as they are more likely to either know an undocumented person, or be one themselves.

All talks are sponsored by the Latin American and Latino/a Studies program at Illinois State University.

For additional information, contact the Latin American and Latino/a Studies program at (309) 438-8290.

League: Voter Participation -- Not Just Registration -- Crucial

The McLean County League of Women Voters (LWV) Saturday offered voter registration at the Festival of India on the Illinois State University campus quad, as well as assisting with NAACP registration at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church on Bloomington’s west side.

Registration will continue next Saturday this month at the church, and Sept. 27 is a communitywide volunteer Registration Day, co-sponsored by the League with Not In Our Town: Bloomington-Normal

“The more people we get out to vote, the better our leaders will be prepared to know what we want and what we expect out of them,” LWV’s Phyllis VerSteegh said during the Twin Cities Indian community's annual event. “If we do not to events like this, people will not be aware of what they need to do, how they need to register, where they need to go to vote, how they vote, etc.”

NAACP registration efforts launched earlier this month at Mt. Pisgah, with volunteers also canvassing the area around the church, according to LWV’s Katie Pratt largely to spur community voter awareness.

In addition, the League next month will sponsor mock elections at Bloomington Middle School and Normal Community High School, as well as registration efforts Oct. 4 at Normal’s Unity Community Center, 632 Orlando Avenue. LWV participated as well as the recent Heartland Community College Fall Fest, and VerSteegh noted a local elementary school teacher’s aide has requested voter material, arguing “it’s never too young to start getting people engaged in and aware of political activities.”

Pratt stressed Twin Cities university students can vote either absentee or locally. Voter info is available at the Illinois State Board of Elections website (, the McLean County Clerk’s office site (, through the ISU student portal, at

Early registration ends Oct. 11 – after that, individuals must register onsite at area election authorities.

“It isn’t enough to register – people have to get out to vote,” VerSteegh emphasized. “They can start voting early Sept. 29 (see above list of sites).”


Center Addressing Concerns About Physician Sensitivity


Proponents of a health care clinic in central Illinois designed to meet the needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex population say such a facility could help limit discrimination against those individuals.

 Speaking during Sound Ideas, Len Meyer, director of the Central Illinois Pride Health Center, said it's often difficult for those not out to maintain a degree of privacy. 

 "It could be explaining they have a same sex partner or they identify masculine, but they still haven't changed their birth, legal name to reflect their identity," said Meyer. 

 Meyer says physicians often discriminate seemingly without realizing it.

 "An example is a lesbian going in to see her doctor and say 'what form of birth control are you on?' You have a same-sex partner," said Meyer.  Meyer said it makes one wonder if the doctor is just checking off the boxes and not really listening to the patient. 

Organizers, including Central Illinois Pride Health Center Board President Jan Lancaster, are in the process of raising funds to establish non-profit status for the clinic, which could open within a year. They're also reaching out to the medical community and currently offering some services.

"Len's reached out to everyone you can think of  as a board.  I think we're all reaching out to our community. We already offer a youth group which is growing every week and we offer a parents group. These things are in the initial stages," said Lancaster. 

"The goal is to have our medical director in place and then bring in advance practice nurses and nurse practitioners and they can see the patients," said Meyer. "Those doctors who want to get involved, we'll add them as they come. Our goal is to try to make sure the clinic is able function and not cost a lot of money to do it. Using advance practice nurses and nurse practitioners the cost is a little less than having a doctor."

Len estimates a full service clinic would cost $3-4 million. A recent fundraiser brought $3,000 in the door. Lancaster says she hopes she sees the clinic established in her lifetime.    

ISU Screens Exploration of Campus Sexual Crimes

Join Illinois State University Women's and Gender Studies Program and ISU Health Promotion and Wellness for the screening of the powerful documentary, The Hunting Ground on Sept. 19 at 5:15 p.m. in the Prairie Room of the Bone Student Center.

The film, which debuted at Cannes Film Festival is gaining strength through campus and community screenings across the country. As the conversation around campus sexual assault has been pushed to the forefront, this powerful film documents the rape crimes on U.S. college campuses, their institutional cover-ups, and the devastating toll they take on students and their families.

The Hunting Ground presents multiple students who allege they were sexually assaulted at their college campuses, and that college administrators either ignored them or required them to navigate a complex academic bureaucracy to have their claims addressed. The film implies that many college officials were more concerned with minimizing rape statistics for their universities than with the welfare of the students, and contains interviews with college administrators who state they were pressured into suppressing rape cases. The film chiefly criticized actions (or lack thereof) by university administrations, including Harvard, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Amherst College, and Notre Dame, but it also examines fraternities such as Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

The narrative features Andrea Pino and Annie Clark, students at the University of North Carolina, who became campus anti-rape activists after being assaulted. In response to what they saw as an inadequate response from the university, they filed a Title IX complaint against The University of North Carolina on January 16, 2013 (along with three other students), and co-founded the group End Rape on Campus

A panel discussion will follow the screening.

IWU Speaker Examines Gender Segregation

Author and journalist Jenny Nordberg will speak Wednesday at the President’s Convocation at Illinois Wesleyan University. Nordberg is the author of The Underground Girls of Kabul , which was selected for the University’s Summer Reading Program.

Nordberg’s book is based on her extensive research and reporting inside a war zone on the practice of “bacha posh” – how girls grow up disguised as boys in gender-segregated Afghanistan. In 2010, Nordberg broke the story to a global audience in her work published in The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune. The practice of "bacha posh," which had never been previously documented, offers new and previously unknown details about Afghanistan and the inner workings of the deeply conservative society. Nordberg’s book raises new and profound questions about gender in children and teens, nature versus nurture, religion, sexuality, and what roles women play during war. The book has won numerous awards, including the J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize and a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2014. Nordberg has also developed the website as an online resource for girls who have grown up as boys due to segregation.

Nordberg is an award-winning journalist and foreign correspondent, columnist and television producer. Together with The New York Times’ investigative unit, she worked on projects such as the examination of the American freight railroad system, a series that won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting.

Also with the Times, she worked on a project on U.S. efforts at exporting democracy to Haiti. She has produced and written several documentaries for American television, and she is also a member of the first investigative team at Swedish Broadcasting’s national radio division, where she supervised projects on terrorism and politics. She has won awards from Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. Nordberg holds a law and journalism from Stockholm University, and an M.A. from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.

The President’s Convocation, which begins at 11 a.m. in Presser Hall’s Westbrook Auditorium (1210 N. Park St., Bloomington), traditionally opens the academic year at Illinois Wesleyan. Nordberg’s address is free and open to the public. She will also sign copies of the book at 1 p.m. Sept. 14 in the Memorial Center Young Main Lounge.