The Leaders of Distinction Awards for community service will be announced Wednesday at an event sponsored by the McLean County Chamber of Commerce and The Pantagraph.
The reception includes announcement of the Athena Leadership Award and this year's Twenty Under Forty.
Tickets are $50 and available by calling 309-829-1183309-829-1183. The reception begins at 5 p.m. in the Brown Ballroom of the ISU Bone Student Center. Awards will be announced beginning at 6:30.
Tickets include a complimentary wine, beer or soft drink, hors d'oeuvres buffet and dessert buffet.
The Athena Award recognizes professional excellence, community service and active assistance toward women seeking professional excellence and leadership skills.
Twenty Under Forty recognizes young professionals who excel in their career, are passionate about the community and are making a mark in Central Illinois.
Kari Sandhaas
Athena nominees are Susan Baller-Shepard, Heartland Community College; Julie Hile, Hile Group Inc.; Carole Ringer, retired/community volunteer; and Not In Our Town: Bloomington/Normal's Kari Sandhaas, Country Financial; Doan Winkel, Illinois State University.
Twenty Under 40 honorees are Stephanie Adomaitis, Marcfirst; Josh Barnett, Advocate Charitable Foundation; Rachel Bedeker, Eastland Suites Hotels; Scott Black, AFNI; Justin Boyd, Country Financial; Chris Downing, Heartland Community College Foundation; Holly Hedges, CM Promotions; Tejas Jani, State Farm; Kristen Kubsch, Growmark; Melissa Lockwood, Heartland Foot and Ankle Associates, P.C.; Matt Lyons, Illinois State University Athletics; Natalie McKee, Bloomington Normal Audiology; Gina Mandros, Central Illinois Easter Seals; Van Miller, Illinois Wesleyan University; NIOT:B/N volunteer Jesse Paul Padilla, Illinois Agricultural Association (Country Financial); Matt Potts, Country Financial representative; Justin Stuva, Corn Belt Energy Corp.; Emily Vigneri, Illinois State University; Erin Williams, McDonald's Restaurants; and Michelle Wojcik, The Pantagraph.