Not In Our School and its anti-bullying/anti-discrimination efforts received a bow during Normal Community West High School H.Y.P.E.'s (Helping Youth Progress and Excel) recent Showcase Talent Show.
The May 13 program focused on inclusion and diversity, featuring dance, musical performances, spoken word, stand-up comedy, and overall talent from students expressing their creativity and passion. The BCAI-Breaking Chains & Advancing Increase School of Arts provided a special guest performance.
Proceeds from the show were directed towards the hosting school clubs H.Y.P.E. and Not In Our School. H.Y.P.E. will be using half of their proceeds for a Wildcat Fund dedicated to students helping other students with basic unmet needs.
Enjoying NCWHS's showcase were, from left, BCAI Director Angelique Racki, Normal West Not In Our School sponsor John Bierbaum, and NIOTBN's Phani Aytam, Camille Taylor, and Mary Aplington.