Kelley: One Size Does Not Fit All Homeless

This winter, our community became very aware that not everyone has a safe, warm place to live. Cold temperatures and piles of snow reminded us daily that being outside is not ideal, even for short periods of time. There are some people in our community who live outside year round.

I want to encourage us, now that warmer temperatures are here, not to put the issues surrounding homelessness out of our minds and hearts completely. While living outside is not as dangerous now that the weather has moderated, it is certainly not ideal and can still be very dangerous.

We must work together for long-term solutions to the challenges that contribute to homelessness. It is important to remember that all people who are homeless are not the same, just as all people who live in homes are not the same. Because of this, we must treat each individual who is homeless as a human being with a story and a life and the right to be treated with dignity and respect. As we begin to look at the challenges around homelessness, let us come at them from a posture of love and care. Let us remember that solutions for one person may not be solutions for another person.

There are two shelters for people who are homeless in our community. Some of the people who are homeless are not allowed in either shelter due to their past mistakes. Some of the people who are homeless choose not to stay in a shelter for a variety of reasons. In other words, shelters do not work for everyone. It is time to consider other options. We must choose “housing first”. In order for a person to seek employment, get treatment for his/her mental health or addiction and begin to repair and have healthy relationships, that person must have a place to live.

As we seek solutions, I ask that you listen for the words “housing first”. When you hear them, consider supporting the ideas that are being explored.

People who are homeless are people, just like you and just like me. People who are homeless are our neighbors. Let us work to make all of our neighborhoods safe and welcoming to everyone…let us seek housing first.

Kelley Becker, associate minister, Bloomington First Christian Church