Kelley: See Homeless as People

Pantagraph editorial

"The recent Pantagraph articles highlighting the community of people who live outside should trouble this community. However, we should be aware that this isn’t new. There is a lengthy history of people in our community who live outside due to a variety of circumstances. It is a horrible, dangerous way to live.

This sudden publicity is troubling to many of us who care for our friends who live outside. I understand that, as a result of the publicity, PATH has received many donations to “the cause”. On the surface, this may seem like a wonderful story of a community coming together to solve a problem. Sadly, I don’t believe this is the case.

In the past, when attention has been drawn to the plight of people living outside, the level of danger for them has increased. They live in the shadows of our community for a reason. The comments regarding the Pantagraph story on Feb. 26 illuminate some of the reasons. Previously, there have been threats, property destruction and acts of violence committed against them.

It is my hope that, rather than seeing people who live outside as problems or as causes to champion, we can begin to see them as people. People are not problems. The problems are addiction, poverty, and our refusal to welcome people who have made mistakes back into our community and shelters. One thing is certain; the issues that surround chronic homelessness cannot be solved by throwing some money, blankets, and propane at them."

Kelley L. Becker