YWCA McLean County's Stepping Stones assists and counsels local victims of sexual assault. The Y focuses on fighting violence and ending racism.
Leave your work, leave your school, interrupt the day, rise for revolution, dance, drum, and demand an end to violence against women!
Members of the community are invited to participate in One Billion Rising on Friday, February 13, from 12 to 1 p.m. at Heartland Community College's Community Commons Building, Room 1406, for Zumba, drumming, yoga, community resources, raffle items, refreshments, and more.
One Billion Rising Revolution is an escalation of the first two stages of a YWCA-supported campaign, One Billion Rising and One Billion Rising for Justice. The last two years, organizations have "mobilized, engaged, awakened and joined people worldwide" to end violence against women. The campaign highlighted the fact that violence against women is a global human issue "not relegated to country or tribe or class or religion, further exposing it as a patriarchal mandate, present in every culture of the world."
The community agencies sponsoring this year’s event are Children’s Home + Aid, McLean County DVMDT, Mid Central Community Action, The Om Tribe, and YWCA McLean County. To learn more about One Billion Rising for Justice, visit www.facebook.com/TwinCitiesOneBillionRising or www.ywcamclean.org/1billionrising.