April 28 YWCA Reading Program Aimed at Girl Enpowerment

Take a stand with the YWCA on Thursday, April 28, and help empower young girls of color, ages 4-10.

Stand Against Racism 2016: On a Mission For Girls of Power, a program to empower young women, is scheduled 4-5:30 p.m. at the YWCA of McLean County, 1201 North Hershey Road, Bloomington.

"Together, we’ll learn about Grace and her adventures in Amazing Grace, through a special reading with a volunteer from Reading to End Racism," the YWCA stated. Following the story and discussion, girls will enjoy cookies, a special craft, and taking photos.

Further, parents, teachers, and caregivers are invited to a 4:30 p.m. Amazing Empowerment Session where they can learn tips and tricks to empower "the young girls of color in your life."
Please visit www.ywcamclean.org or contact Christy at cgermanis@ywcamclean.org or 309-662-0461, ext. 253, for more information.

Reading to End Racism’s goal is to raise awareness of the harm racism causes and to help develop skills and strategies to actively counter racism in order to create a supportive and welcoming environment for all children. Amazing Grace, by Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch, tells the story of an optimistic girl named Grace who tries out for the role of Peter Pan even though her classmates think that she cannot be Peter Pan.