Heartland Seeking Living 'Books' for March 24-25 Event

Most of us think we have a pretty good read on people. Heartland Community College is offering an opportunity for students to browse some fascinating new "Books" that beg to be explored beyond their covers.

Heartland's Human Library is a March 24-25 event that will offer a number of human "Books" for student checkout. The Books are people with experiences and beliefs outside the mainstream, including a "Queer Activist," a "Freegan," and a "Unitarian Universalist."

The Student and Book engage in a 20-minute conversation in what Heartland's Rachelle Stivers terms a "non-confrontational" environment. The idea is to encourage tolerance through open, one-on-one dialogue. Heartland is seeking additional volunteer Books for its "collection" -- visit heartland.libguides.com/humanlibrary for information.

"Anything that encourages thoughtfulness and tolerance in these rather divisive times is important," Stivers maintains. "The project also works well with one of the college’s 'Essential Competencies': Diversity (the other are Communication, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving).

"ISU ran this same program for their First Year Experience students this fall, and it was very popular.  Our event is also limited to students, but if there is interest we will reassess that for future events."

The Human Library is an international initiative that began in Copenhagen, Denmark, with a youth organization called "Stop The Violence." The movement was initiatied by five friends after another was stabbed in 1993. New "libraries" recently were launched in The Philippines and Belarus.